Group therapy is a key part of our therapy work at Jill Smith & Associates Counseling.
Group therapy is not issue or age specific, rather they focus on the relationship connections made in the group and an honest dialogue about how we show up with each other.
Group therapy provides a chance to practice noticing who we are when we “show up” in society and in relationships—but in a small, trusted group of fellow group members. Once we notice that we are the one who always holds back, or feels annoyed, or needs to command the room, we can begin to decide if these tendencies are working for us and if not explore evolving and being curious.
At Jill Smith & Associates, we run groups for men, women and groups that aren’t gender specific. These groups are long term and are for clients who have been coming here for individual counseling and are ready for something new. These are run by co-therapists as we feel it is such complex and deep work, it takes two. Jill Smith partners with Anthony Hampton as her group co-therapist. Ethan Taylor partners with Jonathan Pritchard as his co-therapist.
We also run shorter term groups for children that might be issue specific, such as the back to school scaries, or social anxiety. Laura Stokes runs these groups.
Group therapy is another great reason to become a client at Jill Smith & Associates if you aren’t already. At our offices you’ll find a welcome atmosphere with friendly staff and amenities to make your visit with us not only comfortable but a highlight of your week.
Click here to request an appointment at Jill Smith & Associates Counseling today.