Individual Counseling

In individual counseling, we focus on understanding our behavior, our thoughts and our feelings.

Counseling (also known as therapy or talk therapy) can help not only when life feels incredibly difficult, but it can also boost your life when you feel things are on the right track. 

We believe seeing a therapist should be as routine as developing your career, exploring a hobby or going to the gym. In weekly therapy at Jill Smith & Associates Counseling we’ll invite you to begin to unpack feelings and share while learning to look at things in new, powerful ways.

Request an appointment at Jill Smith & Associates Counseling if you want to discuss any of the following with one of our highly trained therapists. We can schedule you usually within the week.

Issues we work with during Counseling:

  • Depression (sadness, emptiness, loneliness, hopelessness, malaise) – More than 300 million people worldwide, including 15 million Americans, suffer from depression. You are not alone. One of the best places to start treating depression is with therapy. 
  • Anxiety (negative expectations or dread) – One-third of Americans will have anxiety disorder within their lifetime which is usually accompanied by depression. If you’re feeling the symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks on a frequent basis give us a call. 
  • Trauma – Recent trauma or the effects of an older trauma that hasn’t been fully processed
  • Relationship stress and confusion (including stress around dating). If you’re instead looking for help with your partner visit our Marriage Counseling page.
  • Parenting realities, stressors, worries. We also offer services for the whole family or your child, see this page for more details.
  • Addiction – Navigating current addictions, recovery and maintaining sobriety around alcohol, drugs or gambling.
  • Disordered Eating – We can help whether you’re noticing the early stages of an eating disorder or it’s been ongoing for years, including anorexia, bulimia or orthorexia.
  • Postpartum depression and anxiety—in both men and women
  • Infertility – Pregnancy and infertility struggles, stress, sorrow, loss of dreams or plans including processing miscarriage
  • Grief and loss – Including the loss of parents, siblings, friends, and pets.
  • Job stress or feelings of unfulfillment with your current career or workplace
  • Social skills (both interpersonal and within the workplace) – At times it can feel like new skills are needed to get along better with others, both within our families and other spheres.
  • Navigating major life changes such as divorce, moving, change of a job etc.

Our therapists are trained in a variety of different therapy techniques including the ones below. If you are familiar with any of these techniques and would like a therapist with clinical experience in this particular area, please let us know when you set up your first appointment.

Jill Smith & Associates is a great place to start if you are struggling with any of the above, or just want to give therapy a try at this point in your life. If you have any preferences around your therapist, the times you are available to meet us, or the office location you prefer let us know when you give us a call to request an appointment.

With two convenient locations in Lexington and Columbia we can accommodate new clients quickly to our schedule. At our offices you’ll find a welcome atmosphere with friendly staff and amenities to make your visit with us not only comfortable but a highlight of your week.

Request an appointment at Jill Smith & Associates Counseling today