
Welcome To Our NEW-ish Office in Lexington!

Lexington Therapy Office

Can we still call our office at 426 South Lake Blvd in Lexington new??  What are the rules? Does Emily Post weigh in on this one?

For those of you who haven’t been in, let me tell you about our new home.  The “front of the house” is, in fact, an old charming Lexington home, complete with warm hardwoods and ceramic door knobs. Nothing is square and even. It is creaky and groany in the most wonderful and comforting of ways.

The “back of the house” is an official office! With doors that close tightly and firmly and proper hallways and such.

Downstairs, we have two more offices and our lovely conference room.  Here we get to gather in one space (all 15 of us) and talk cases, talk issues, talk successes, even talk to each other.

We have two waiting is our general waiting space near the front door. The other is in our “family waiting room” for families with young children who are waiting for their play therapy appointment.   Erin Gooding, our office manager and client concierge has a private check in and check out space.  This leaves ten offices for therapists. How wonderful to finally have plenty of room and plenty of therapists with time to schedule all of our clients. 

We were so fortunate to work with Pond Interiors and Bonitz Construction, to name just a few of our contractors and professionals that helped us move in and get things just so.  

We are very close to the courthouse in Lexington, just off Main Street and just down the road  a small piece from exit 55 off of I-20.   

Space, aesthetics, vibe, energy….it is all super important to what we create at JSA.  We want you to feel you are sitting in a clean, modern, designed, active space when you come to see us each week.

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